My Future Husband

Sometimes as I sit, I wonder about my future husband. What is he doing? Does he wonder about me? Does he pray for me?
I pray for my husband. I pray that he has a deep love for God. I pray that we will be equally yoked. I pray that he will love me, and he will be willing to battle any storm that may come our way. I pray that he is understanding, patient, and kind. I pray that his love is endless. I pray that he pushes me towards God, and does not pulls me away.
As I look at society, and their relationship goals, I can’t help but get sad. Do they get into relationship for fun, or are they actually wanting to commit. I do not want to date without the intention to marry. I can’t imagine to invest my time, my love, and my heart just for the sake of being in a relationship.
Someone once told me every time you are in a relationship, you give a piece of your heart away. When it comes to my husband I want to be able to give my whole heart to him. I don’t want pieces all over the place. I know God will give me the perfect man, and if that takes time, I can wait. I know God is faithful and will fulfill my wishes, I just have to wait for his perfect timing.
I’m not in it for the money, the looks, or society's satisfaction. I’m in it for the endless love that I hope to have. The kind of love that turns me into a little kid again and again, the kind of love that I keep sacred, and the kind of love I fight for.
Now, even though I saw all of this I struggle with waiting. It's hard to see peers in relationships, filled with fun and maybe a sense of love.
Maybe I'm trying to fill something. But, I should be filled because I have God, but sometimes Satan's games are too much for me and I just want to give in. It's hard being 17 almost 18 in this world without being in a relationship, or having that first special kiss.
These struggles just show me to be more patient and pray even harder to God, giving me that calmness, and patience while I'm waiting for the love of my life. 
I also think I'm not even ready to put myself in a relationship, I'm trying to figure out who I am, I'm trying to love myself. Because I don't know who I am, and I don't love myself. I don't know what I want to do with my life. I have a lot to figure out before I can love someone with my whole heart.
So to my future husband,
I promise to love you. I promise to fight for you. I promise to love God. I promise to be honest with you. I promise to give my all. I promise to wait for you. I promise that I will be pure. I promise to be patient and kind. I promise to be a good wife. I promise to support you. I promise to you that I will be your wife, and be with you till the end of times.
Remember you are beautiful, loved, and so worth living this life. ~Much love, Morgan.
1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...


  1. You have a beautiful heart and an incredible spirit. You are a gift to all who meet you. Mr wonderful will walk into your life one day and he will see the beauty and love in your eyes, your heart, and he will know what he has....and he will never let go. I promise

    1. I have no idea who you are, as thisarked as unknown...but this comment means so much to me. Being 18 years old and never being on date, and having my first kiss is so hard. But this comment changes it. It makes me feel that its okay. Thank you


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