God is Good

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

I have never felt a peace so explainable than I have the past few weeks.

My church emails devotions every morning, and one struck a chord with me, and then later God struck me like thunder on a sunny day.

It was on May 11th, and it was talking about being content in God, and not in money. For me I replaced money with other things that I was putting my hope, faith, and trying to put my happiness into. It was ultimately failing. Time, and time again.

The passage used in the devotion was 1 Timothy 6 6-10 (I encourage you to look these up!)
The passage was talking about finding contentment in the Lord himself, because what does it all really matter here on earth?  Your earthly possessions are going to stay on earth. If we have food, clothing, and of course, the Lord we need to be content. If we start trying to find love, and joy in other worldly things we can fall into temptations, and that is not so good!

I have a group chat with my small group that I am in and we often respond to the devotion or chat about things that happen in our day, and I was in the car trying to think of how I was going to respond to this devotion. Then my mind started to think about how much God has provided in the past few months, and even year. Yeah, things haven't been going good, but he has given me the strength to keep going. He has given me people to lean on, when I thought I had I no one. He gave me light when there was darkness. If you know me, and have been following me you know I experience some medical challenges, and after multiple unsuccessful treatments I would tell people "I don't know if I can handle another one not working" but I did. I never knew how until that day. I know there is a long road ahead of me still, but I know God has my back. I realized in that very moment I have to put my full faith into God. Not into doctors, or into medicines, into the suture, or the past, but into God.

As soon as I got my thoughts figured out I couldn't wait to share with the group, but I was still driving, so I turned on the radio and the lines "Keep fighting the good fight the good fight. keep letting your light shine...." ya'll I wanted to pull over and burst into tears. For the first time in my my life I felt like I actually HEARD God for the first time. These walls around my heart that I've built up for so long are finally starting to come down, and I'm so ready for this coming journey.

I have a very long way to go, I have things I have to work through, but it's going to be okay.

Here are some other verses that either relate to my life right now, or are encouraging to me right now:
Philippians 4:11
Jeremiah 17:5 (This one really reminds me to trust in the Lord always because he won't disappoint me)
Psalm 118:8 (Same as above)

I hope I made at least a little bit of sense. This is just something that has been on my heart, and I wanted to share it with somebody!

Remember you beautiful, loved, amazing, and so worth living this life~ Morgan


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