The Year of Lasts

Senior year. Also known as the year of many lasts. The last football game, school dance, sport practice, last meeting for a club you've grown to love, last passing time, and last time your friends are all together (maybe). Senior year is full of bittersweet moments. So many new adventures, and so many of adventures coming to the end. I've always known that my time is almost up, but I don't think I truly understood until Friday night. The Student Council lock-in, seniors gave advice and shared stories, tears were shed, and hugs were given. I never realized how many people have changed my life throughout my high school career. I only have a few months left, and that is so crazy to me. I have spent 4 years within those walls, and within a matter of a couple months it will all be over. It is such a odd feeling, and indescribable feeling. I'm sad, excited, scared, and so many feelings are within me. When they say Senior year goes by fast, they are not lying. Even just high school, I feel as if just yesterday I was walking into Kettering ringing the bell, and holding that rope.
A lot has changed since freshman year. I have new friends, new interests, a better sense of who I am. I have been through a lot of life changing things, and even though the past 4 years have been hard I wouldn't change it for anything. < So for now, I am going to take in every moment. Let things come and go, and have fun. Embrace the final moments, and make forever memories.


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