Dear 2017, You were a hard year. A really hard year. A year where I had to fight, and fight, and fight just to keep my head above the messiest of water. You were a year with diagnoses, and hard classes. You were a year of insecurities, and struggles within my faith. You were a year where I really wanted to give up and say "I quit." However, I didn't. I kept fighting through, and through. 2017 was a year of anxiety, and fear. It was a year of huge let downs, after getting my hopes up so high. Much of this past year was very dark. To be honest, I blame much of that on myself because I could have been more open, but I hid. I ignored it, and it consumed every ounce of my being. During this painful year though, I have realized the amazing relationships of the people I have in my life. How I am so grateful to have friends that are like sisters to me. Other adults that I can go to that love me and care for me. This has shown me perseverance I had no idea was even there, and ...