
Showing posts from May, 2017

God is Good

God is good all the time. All the time God is good. I have never felt a peace so explainable than I have the past few weeks. My church emails devotions every morning, and one struck a chord with me, and then later God struck me like thunder on a sunny day. It was on May 11th, and it was talking about being content in God, and not in money. For me I replaced money with other things that I was putting my hope, faith, and trying to put my happiness into. It was ultimately failing. Time, and time again. The passage used in the devotion was 1 Timothy 6 6-10 (I encourage you to look these up!) The passage was talking about finding contentment in the Lord himself, because what does it all really matter here on earth?  Your earthly possessions are going to stay on earth. If we have food, clothing, and of course, the Lord we need to be content. If we start trying to find love, and joy in other worldly things we can fall into temptations, and that is not so good! I have a group ch...