
Showing posts from October, 2016

My Testimony

This is not my story, this is God's story. All the glory goes to him. Shortly after I was born, my parents divorced. I can't really say it shattered my world, because I was only a baby- I didn't know any different. I still don't. Someday's I feel like maybe it was my fault, or I was suppose to save the marriage, but didn't. That a lot to put on your shoulders at a young age. To this day I don't know why they got a divorce, and I think I'm okay with that. Soon after they got divorced I was diagnosed with a disease called Neurofibromatosis. (I'll just refer to it as NF). In short, this is a disease that causes tumors to grow on the nerves of the body. The doctors ha run tests, and they found an optic glioma (optic nerve tumor). I went through 18 long months of chemotherapy. I do not remember much of it, and I'm grateful for that. The effects of it didn't really stop there, the tumor left me blind in my right eye, and because I went through c