Idiopathic Intra-Whatta??
In October 2016 I was diagnosed with a new medical condition. It is called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Basically it means that my body makes too much spinal fluid, and it can't drain it properly, or fast enough. It mimics many symptoms of a brain tumor, without actually having a brain tumor. (Crazy, right?) To get diagnosed I had to have a spinal tap. Not fun. Well, let me back up. First I had to have an MRI, because with my Neurofibromatosis I had to have an MRI, because I could have actually had a brain tumor. When my doctor saw that everything was stable, she took in all of my symptoms, and ordered the spinal tap. It was definitely one of the scariest tests I've had done. They laid my down on a table, belly down and took an X-ray of my spine. After doing that they marked the spot they would stick the needle into. They numbed me with some sort of numbing agent, and then in went the needle, let me tell you that was painful. After sticking the needle in they had t...