
Showing posts from July, 2016

Fitting Into a Society Created Mold

I know I don't blog very often. I know. For awhile I've been trying to figure why, or why I haven't posted a YouTube channel video in over month. Is it because I'm uninspired? Maybe. Is it because I'm too busy? Quite possibly. Or, is it because I feel like i have to conform into societies expectations set for me and my channel/blog? For sure. I feel like a lot of us are scared to veer off of what is normal, or what is expected of us. I think a lot of the time we are just placed into the mold, and like a liquid we take shape of our container, and we aren't going anywhere. But, you, or I should not have to worry about this. Nor should we have to do what is the norm or expected. We were given free will by God, and along as those things don't surpass or values, or morals then who the heck cares what we do? Next time you want to do something that you don't think it would be expected, don't worry about it. If it makes you happy the DO IT. Remem